Friday 18 September 2015

5 Ways to Choose Anti Slip Flooring For Ramps etc in Sydney

Non slip flooring in Sydney has been a winning safety solutions (product) range in surfacing and flooring. In fact, so well known is Sydney’s expertise, that flooring solutions are exported worldwide. Be it anti slip flooring for ramps or non slip flooring anywhere in Sydney , here are 5 important things to keep in mind while choosing!

  1. Know the project: Make sure you have expert opinion on constraints (if any) on the project site 
  2. Choose a solution provider: A solution provider may or may not be a manufacturer. They/He/ She takes into account the project knowledge and provides operational and design solutions.
  3. Examine all alternatives: For many anti slip flooring projects including ramps, there will be more than one way to do it. For instance if you have a ramp, you are trying to make anti slip. You may first be considering an acid based etching treatment. This has many limitations such as specific surface cleaning practice and frequency, short life span, potential discoloration and sealing requirement, aesthetical appearance change etc. If these limitations work badly for you, you could go for matting. Which ensures the base surface remains unhampered. Discuss this with both your designer and your solution provider in Sydney. 
  4. Examine practicability: Make sure that the product- both manufactured and artisan created- has been tested well before choosing it. This includes accelerated wear testing and comes with an expected life label. 
  5. Standards followed: Australia has specific standards to be followed by every manufacturer which needs to be quantified and expressed on the label. This means that the product sustainability must be independently tested and quantified. This covers anti slip coating, treatments etc.
If you follow the above, you are sure to have one of the most guaranteed non slip flooring in all of Sydney- be it on ramps or otherwise, safe and sound for everyone who treads on them.